Notes From Nature Talk

Link to Collections has stopped working properly

  • ghewson by ghewson

    Say I've transcribed some Herbarium records and I want to go to Calbug. I click my browser back button with a Herbarium record showing, and click the Collections link at the top. The screen says "2 collections available", but there are no links to the collections. The same happens if from here I click About, and from there Collections again.

    I need to press my browser refresh button to see the links to the collections.


  • robgur by robgur scientist, admin

    Noticed this too. There are some site reload issues, period.


  • ghewson by ghewson in response to robgur's comment.

    Now fixed, thanks.


  • bumishness by bumishness admin

    Noticed this as well. If someone could post here if they have a reliable way of replicating the issue, I'd appreciate it.
