Notes From Nature Talk

Macrofungi - When label is being marked, only a zoomed part is shown

  • mlvonschaper by mlvonschaper

    In the Macrofungi section there is usually only a label scanned. However whenever I try to mark it and then see it bigger only a much more zoomed portion of the label is shown. Hence I have to work with the original and type it into NOTEPAD before copy & paste it in to the fields...


  • robgur by robgur scientist, admin

    What browser are ya using, @mlvonschaper?


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    I'm using Chrome: Version 30.0.1599.101 m

    I'm seeing a similar thing too. Take this particular label (this is the only way I know of referencing an example I am looking at right now. Image may not show up on page, but the ID should help you know what I am looking at:

    If I draw a box that covers the whole label (Coll W. W. in bottom left corner, Miller in bottom right corner, top of box just above Herbarium of the Univ line), then click start, the image I see is a zoomed in portion where the top line gets cut off right around:

    Herbarium of the Unive

    I can then see cut off versions of the next few lines, but the bottom (where Coll W. W. was) is also cut off. In other words, it appears that the there is some pre-defined max size of a displayed image, so while I can drag a box around what appears the be the label, the image startes in the top left and give me the max size allowed, with is a cropped version that does not show everything.


  • mlvonschaper by mlvonschaper

    I am also using Chrome, Version 30.0.1599.101 m


  • T-M by T-M in response to robgur's comment.

    I use Firefox, and I have the same problem. And I'm not the only one:


  • bthiers by bthiers

    Thanks for these comments -- we spent a lot of time trying to get the label portion selected to fit the box, but clearly we didn't anticipate the full range of label sizes. The suggestion that we just eliminate the box-drawing part and just have the transcription boxes appear below the image is an excellent one, and we have suggested this change to the developer.
    In the meantime, I have these suggestions:

    1. There may be multiple labels shown. The imagers are asked to photograph all the writing they find with the specimen, but usually there is one main specimen label that gives the name of the fungus, where it was collected, when and by whom. Just focus on this label and ignore the others

    2. If a label is too wide to show up in the box, you can just skip it for now -- we will work to remove this irritating limitation. If you really don't want to skip the label, position the upper left hand corner of the box as far to the right as possible -- even if you have to cut off the specimen name or the collector name and number -- we aren't asking you to transcribe these data so it doesn't matter if they get cut off


  • darryluk by darryluk

    You can also close the box and open it in other places and the information you have already transcribed stays in the 'done' boxes. But there are so many records, is it worth the time? Moving on and doing 10 more easier ones must be a better use of time.


  • nlauze by nlauze

    Do post somewhere when you find a solution to this one. I'm sticking to Calbug, since I hate skipping and it makes the fungi a huge hassle to work with (also, every time I tried with one record, I got one that broke like this and thought I was doing something wrong!).


  • 5ok13mol by 5ok13mol

    As a developer myself, this is an unforgivable bug. The zoomed potion of the label is a fixed square from the upper left corner of the box. No matter what size of box you draw, it is always the same size box at the same zoom level. If the program is not going to zoom on what I drew a box around you should remove the feature and just give me a NORMAL zoom button so I can make the WHOLE THING bigger.


  • SarahtheEntwife by SarahtheEntwife

    This bug seems to still be in effect; back to birds for me.


  • astroboyOW by astroboyOW

    I'll come back, too, when you folks get this fixed.


  • lindhart by lindhart

    It is still not solved. Do you have a expected date?


  • joanball by joanball scientist

    Is this still an issue? You should be able to click and drag a square around the specimen label with the collection date and locality information that you will be transcribing. This seemed to work for me. There are usually two or more labels and you need to choose the one with the most complete information.

    Is there still a problem that I am missing? If so, let me know and I will ask about it.


  • Mr._Kevvy by Mr._Kevvy

    Yes, it's still the same. I'm using FireFox v25.


  • reddder by reddder

    Yes, the problem remains unchanged. I'm using safari.


  • Mr._Kevvy by Mr._Kevvy

    Here is an example of a particularly "zoomed" one:
    Only about a quarter of the tag can be displayed no matter how it is lassoed. The tag is very large compared to others so this appears to be an issue with the zoom when it was scanned rather than with the browser app. However the app. should compensate for oversized images by scaling them down proportionally to best-fit the display window.


  • darryluk by darryluk

    Like I said before, you can lasso one bit then lasso another till it is all done. There don't seem to be many of these in relation to all the ones there are. Bottom line is you can 'skip' it if it's taking too long! There are more than enough to go round!


  • Mr._Kevvy by Mr._Kevvy

    Yup it doesn't bother me at least. 😃 I just take a screenie of the tag and have it open on a second monitor.


  • joanball by joanball scientist

    Hopefully this will be fixed at some point, I've just brought up the issue again to programmers. In the meantime feel free to skip these records.


  • KWat by KWat

    This bug is still a problem, at least when tested using Mozilla. It's a shame it hasn't been fixed yet, as Macrofungi will continue to be skipped over until it is. Newcomers are easily deterred.


  • StringTheoryDMT by StringTheoryDMT

    I left a post but misclassified it - I too am moving on to other project until this is fixed. Too bad.


  • Bearaffe by Bearaffe

    still this problem, I'm using Safari on iMac. it's too bad it seems this bug still persists or that there is no fix reply given here


  • reddder by reddder

    One wonders: if this, and so many other projects, are valuable additions to the body of scientific info, and I believe they are, then why can't someone on the 'bridge' honestly address them and fix them. You expect us to do the work, and we want to do it: give us improved tools where necessary.


  • elizharg by elizharg

    I'm having this problem in Chrome as well. Is a fix in the works?


  • robgur by robgur scientist, admin

    We agree that the fixed zoom issue --- is a serious issue. Its painful for us because we really don't want to lose people who are interested and invested, but there is such incredibly limited capacity for fixes right now. We have made serious efforts to garner funding to fix these problems, but it will be a while before we hear if that has been successful. Until then, Notes from Nature has maybe an hour or two of developer time per month. We are living on shoestring. We WILL make these improvements, we are committed to the project, and we hope you have patience as we push to finding ways to support the work to improve the project.


  • T-M by T-M

    Thank you for answering. It's great to hear you know about the problems and try to fix them. I understand you don't have the capacity to do it immediately. I thought maybe no-one would really care about this project, but now I know this is not true.


  • robgur by robgur scientist, admin

    Thanks for the nice reply, T-M. We are hoping to get a couple small improvements implemented really soon --- this week maybe --- but not yet a better Zoom function. Its on the very short list of "fix ASAP" though.



    As I use Windows 7, I take advantage of the Snip tool. If the label is already easy to read, I snip it. I get the best possible view of the label and complete the transcription. When the label is small but still cuts off data in the zoom, I zoom part of the image, cancel, and go back for the rest of the text. A little complex but I get to complete the transcription.


  • eye144 by eye144

    i cant zoom and escape from an image too hard to classify. let me know when fixed. i would be glad to help.


  • eye144 by eye144

    also using chrome, but i tried explorer and it malfunctions same. unless there is a work around? others seem to be getting some work done?


  • jaksen by jaksen

    On Macrofungi some of the labels - when zooming in - are different than the 'real label.'

    I have found this several times today, and no my eyesight isn't going bad. I get a totally different label. For example, when zooming in on a label from Michigan, Chippewa County, the information changed to a different location entirely. The original was typed; the zoomed in one was hand-written. Now, sometimes there is a typed label AND a handwritten one. They will be positioned one above the other, but in this case the hand-written one was different. And the typed one was gone. The information was different and the two hand-written ones (original, then zooming in) were not the same. Different handwriting; different information.

    I also couldn't zoom in on some labels. I would get blanks. No matter how I positioned the 'zoom' box, it showed up blank. I did a few labels anyhow by memorizing the originals, then zoomed in, got the blank, and filled in the info. But got tired of doing that with my tired old eyes.

    I will try the Macrofungi site again later, some other time.



  • md68135 by md68135 scientist

    Thank you all for your feedback. We are testing this out to see what we can do to identify the problem.

    I just did a few fungi labels using Firefox 37.0.2 for Mac and all worked fine (aside from the known issue that the label is not always selected properly).
