Notes From Nature Talk

Why not design frustration OUT of the process?

  • klaatu by klaatu

    I had done about as much as could be transcribed for Image ANN0000lot , despite the quirky hadwriting: such as a capital 'N' most closely resembling the symbol for pi.
    Unfortunately, the work was lost when I clicked on the "discuss" button - instead of right-clicking to open a new tab. When I hit the back button to return to my work... IT WAS ALL by process...LOST.

    I can not sing hosannas to programmers who build a platform catering to scientific inquiry - but instead then build one which makes retracing your steps a fatal error.

    That is antithetical to the best of scientific tradition, IMO is itself a fatal error.


  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    If this Herbarium works like other things I've volunteered for in the Zooniverse, your view won't be the one and only chance for a correct record to be made.

    That said, I feel your pain.


  • arfon by arfon in response to klaatu's comment.

    Hi klaatu

    I'm sorry that sounds like a very frustrating experience. In the past we've typically only shown the discuss button once the transcription has been saved but I think on this interface we don't do that. We're going on a bug bash this week for the project and this is one change we can definitely make.



  • ghewson by ghewson

    Hey, it's been fixed! Herbarium and Calbug.
