Notes From Nature Talk

Errant mouse click starts a field that I can't close

  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    Upon opening a new specimen, apparently sometimes I click the mouse button when the cursor is in the margin of the page. I discover it when I move the cursor to the information card - the colored field drags after it. I usually can't get rid of it!

    Presumably the "x" is in the margin, under the scroll box, but can't be seen so I can't click it.

    Hmm. If so, this may not be a legitimate bug. It only drives me buggy.


  • ghewson by ghewson

    Yes, I've seen that, but it only happens (for me, anyway) with the first specimen after signing in. After that, everything's OK. I get rid of the box by clicking my browser's back button.


  • ghewson by ghewson in response to ghewson's comment.

    OK, I take that back. I can reproduce the problem after the first specimen.


  • nosenabook by nosenabook in response to ghewson's comment.

    But why would you want to? lol

    I never thought of the back button - nothing else has ever worked, except (I guess) clicking the 'x' when I can't see it.


  • ghewson by ghewson in response to nosenabook's comment.

    Well, how do you get rid of that coloured field otherwise? I've just looked at it again, and the right edge was away from the margin and the scroll bar, so there was no hidden X: there was no X, period.


  • ghewson by ghewson

    This is unresolved after a year.

    To reproduce:

    Go to start transcribing a Herbarium record.
    Click and drag on the track above or below the scrollbar on the right.

    That's it. All it's possible to do is click on "See example" or "Skip this record".

    Edit: using Firefox 28.0.
