Herbarium won't accept month/year without day
by ghewson
The information on ANN0000351 is spare enough, but the system won't let me enter May 1928 without a day number. There's no warning when I try, but when I click on 10/10 to check, the collection date field is in orange, and empty.
by SandersClan
I've noticed the same thing. I hate not getting to enter a partial date if that's all that's available.
by ghewson
And ANN0000n58.
Is there any point at all in reporting bugs? I don't see a lot happening there. 😦
by SandersClan
I've just been tagging things such as '#incompletedate' or '#summer1953' or whatever seems to fit best, usually in locality or habitat. I cross my fingers lots with the bugs.
by ghewson
A field for season would be good, as well -- see ANN0000jyv.
The coding for Calbug is more polished. There, any of day/month/year can be set to Unknown. Also the initial focus is on Country, whereas in Herbarium you have to click with the mouse before using the keyboard.
by darryluk
If you go right to the top of the day column ie before the 1st, there is provision for UNKNOWN day. That then works!
by ghewson in response to darryluk's comment.
Yes, they added that feature since my report.