Notes From Nature Talk

The data entery slot and writing has shrunk

  • shocko61 by shocko61

    The data entry window and the writing IE . Country , State, County , Locality etc,etc , Has shrunk to about half size and is hard to read . I closed the account for about 3 minutes and when I opened the account again ,it had shrunk . I can read the writing but with difficulty . Ian Shocko61


  • ghewson by ghewson in response to shocko61's comment.

    I'm newly logged in, and It's OK for me. I assume you're talking about Herbarium, but I tried Calbug as well.


  • shocko61 by shocko61

    Sorry ghewson , it was Calbug , very remiss of me . the problem is a little better still not as large as it was . I was wondering if it may be in my computer , if what you found is ok . I am running windows 7 premium . thank you for your help . Ian shocko61
