Notes From Nature Talk

50,000 transcriptions!

  • ghewson by ghewson

    We're motoring


  • SandersClan by SandersClan

    Woo-Hoo! Love to see the percentage points tick up, too. Where did you find this count?


  • robgur by robgur scientist, admin

    So so awesome! On the front page it gives the counts/percentages, right?


  • ghewson by ghewson

    Yes, the stats are on the front page. Nearly 56000 transcriptions now, and 22.3% progress. Nearly a quarter done in under a week!


  • shocko61 by shocko61

    Great stuff . Ian shocko61


  • asallans by asallans scientist

    Stay tuned for more content being released soon! I was in conversation with the manager of herbaria across Louisiana yesterday, and they are nearly ready to deliver 900,000 specimen images. There will be many new plants to see and plenty to do once that comes online!


  • SandersClan by SandersClan

    Bring it on!
