Notes From Nature Talk
Date is given as 10/1078, I am transcribing as Oct, day Unknown, 1978
Compare date and coll# of image ANN0004b41. That has a much later coll# and much earlier date than this label.
Refer to image ANN0004ewf and comments about date and collection #.
Here's a Glen Montz collection numbered 2211 and date is 4-1-1972.
I think by the 1980's he was up to the 4000's.
I'm almost positive I've seen Montz collections in the 1970's with collection numbers over 2000.
I feel there's a discrepancy between coll# (1513) and date (June 1, 1983).
Corrected spelling of 'halepense'
I think Sida elliottii is the newer id
Corrected spelling of 'Tradescantia virginiana'
Corrected 'Eupatoria' to 'Eupatorium'
Corrected spelling of 'Panicum verrucosum'
Corrected typo in 'Atchafalaya'
Corrected spelling of 'Pontchartrain'
Corrected typo in 'conspicuous'
Both scientific and common name obscured
I'm assuming this is in Louisiana
Corrected spelling of Tangipahoa
I am uncertain whether day is 2, 21 or 26; so am entering it as Unknown
Corrected typo in Sambucus canadensis
I agree that Rome Ferry (bridge) seems the most likely location and am therefore placing this in Livingston Parish
I'm pretty sure there was no Feb 29 in 1969, but am transcribing as written
Note: "KNF" is the Kisatchie National Forest
Corrected spelling of Sida elliottii
Corrected spelling of Bennett Spring State Park. Park is in 2 counties so entered county as Unknown.
Corrected typo "Sumatrz'" to "Sumatra"
I was able to correct for it. "1.0 ,o;e mprtj" translates to "1.0 mile north".
Typist's right hand got offset at beginning of Location line.
Corrected spelling of halepenese
Label faded, can't read scientific name
Corrected spelling of 'cemetery'
It looks like GNM may have identified the species, but the writing is too faint to read.
Can't read last word after Helianthus, so am leaving it out.
Corrected spelling of Zemurray Gardens
I think Tragia smallii must be a later determination because it's handwritten, and am transcribing it.
Although not stated, this is no doubt on or near Southeastern Louisiana University campus
Scientific name hard to read, but I think it's Solidago colorata
Corrected spelling of Zemurray
Corrected spelling of halepense.
Corrected spelling of Zemurray Lodge
Corrected spelling of halepense
There's a Satsuma in Livingston Parish, I'm assuming this is it.
Corrected 'sterlie' to 'sterile'
The common name of this one is "Obedient plant" 😃
Corrected spelling of La Branche
Collector is "MCG" -- might be Melanie Goodman
State & county not given. Could be VA, but there's a Frederick Community College in MD too. Entering as Unknown.
Setaria magna is correct... not 'Sertia'
I googled it and came up with Phalaris angusta also, common name timothy canarygrass
Corrected spelling of Vaccinium elliottii
I couldn't resist transcribing this into the description: "I.D. J.G. Palis: master tree finder"
Corrected spelling of Percy Quin State Park
Not very sure of the collector's name. Looks like Sahas Tansawasu.
Glen Montz's first collection! Kind of exciting.
Collector's name misspelled, correcting 'Laurie' to 'Lauri'
It says "1/4 inch white glower" but I'm reasonably sure "1/4 inch white flower" was meant and am so transcribing it.
Corrected placement of comma
Another Sept 31 date! I think this is my third one in this collection. Dutifully transcribed as written.
Fixed typo in "unnamed"
County is St. John
Corrected spelling of 'depleted'
Very uncertain about 2nd associate - roseau? & 4th associate - rhizomes indioak perennial?
Corrected spelling of Cyperus strigosus.
'nigra' handwritten above typed 'canadensis' so I think nigra is a more recent id and am transcribing it
I believe scientific name is Malvaviscus arboreus - handwriting faint and hard to read.
This specimen is a hybrid or backcross, hence has 2 species names
Corrected location to Camp Living Waters
Corrected location name to Camp Living Waters
There are 2 LA Bankston Cemeteries, 1 in Albany and 1 in Holden, both in Livingston Parish.
Entering state as Nebraska, county Unknown, and date collected as Aug 21, 1970
Corrected spelling of ludwigia octovalvis
Very faint label, guessing at location - Lake Pontchartrain? Date probably 1996 but mo/da uncertain
Location is no doubt the Southeastern Louisiana University campus
Corrected spelliing of halepense
Corrected spelling of Tad Zebryk's name
@HelenBennet57, another deer browse rating, 2.9 this time. Wonder if that's better or worse than 3.5?
Corrected scientific name to Nothoscordum bivalve
Corrected spelling of Desmanthus illinoensis
For me, the prefix '62' of the specimen # absolutely places it in 1962.
Corrected spelling of Sherardia arvensis
Location not given but must be in Louisiana.
Corrected spelling of Lake Pontchartrain
Corrected spelling of Salix nigra
Corrected spelling of Scutellaria racemosa
Corrected spelling of Eregeron philadelphicus
State not given, probably MS but could also be KY.
Also spelling of Tangipahoa
Corrected spelling of Quercus nuttallii
Corrected spelling of Sorghum halepense
Correcting species to Allium canadense
Location incomplete and almost illegible
Corrected spelling of Bayou des Allemands
Corrected spelling of "dandelion"
Date illegible
These labels should not have been left out in the sun. Much of this is too faded to read.
"Collected from the Bonnie Carrie spillway". That's so cute! I do feel I should correct the spelling to Bonnet Carre Spillway though.
Very light label, barely legible
Collector designated as "New Sarpy, La." :>) But I know it's Glenn Montz, I recognize his writing, so I'm putting him in.
Very faint and blurry, can't read scientific name.
Corrected spelling of "herbicide"
Pretty sure this was collected at end of "trail" -- not end of "trial"
Sept 31 is an invalid date but can be entered, so I'm entering it.
Corrected typo "bluis-purple" to "bluish-purple"
Description appears to say "nedale like", probably means needle-like, but transcribed as written.
Correcting "Ampleposis" to "Ampelopsis"
Transcribing as written "¼ north"
Also removed extra hyphen from 'look-alike'
Corrected spelling of 'perennial'
Can't read plant name -- Scuthistle? Southistle?
Corrected spelling of Kieffer Prairie
Corrected spelling of St. Tammany Parish
Added missing 'e' at end of Hydrocotyle
Found with "dear pee", changing to "deer pea" which seems altogether more likely
Genus hard to read, but Google indicates it is Cercis.
I am also transcribing Hexastylis arifolia
location completely missing, also date
I think parish is St. John
Corrected spelling of Hydrocotyle
Corrected "riged" to "ridged"
Corrected spelling to Pleasant Ridge, but there's no clue as to county or state (or country)
Scientific name partially obscured but is Vicia ludoviciana.
Corrected scientific name to Sorghum halepense
I googled S. West Hagg and found citations for 1984, so I think this year is 1985, not 1935.
Scientific name is Mimulus alatus, I think. Not positive.
Corrected spelling of scientific name to Carex eleocharis
Corrected spelling of scientific name to Scutellaria racemosa
I think the 3rd & 4th associates are Lactuca and Phytolacca
Corrected spelling of place name to Bayou des Familles.
Also correcting Scuterllaria to Scutellaria.
Corrected scientific name to Solidago canadensis
Corrected spelling from Fraximus to Fraxinus.
Corrected spelling of place name to Ruddock
Corrected spelling of Ponchatoula.
I am enabled to enter date as Sept 31, as given on label, even though it's an invalid date!
I think I've got it. It's Ruddock (misspelled).
Can't read that last place name. Rudoche? Pucloche?
Maybe we could put something like "Unlabeled species."
Very faint, can't read location.
There's a second id, but species is crossed out on it so I'm transcribing the first one.
No location
Followed am.zooni's lead and corrected "Melothia" to "Melothria"
Corrected spelling of "cedar"
Extremely faded label
Corrected scientific name to Fraxinus pennsylvanica.
I think it's reasonable to assume the collector's name is Sarah, not Sraah.
Reference point probably SLU campus as am.zooni says, but entering county as Unknown.
However, I feel it's safe to assume the country is the US. Very likely state is LA, but I'm less sure of that.
Parish not given and scant locality info not sufficient to pinpoint this collection.
Corrected scientific name to Liriodendron tulipifera
I too transcribed Rhododendron canescens.
Corrected scientic name from "Johsonii" to "Johnsonii"
State is omitted, I assume it's LA -- Livingston Parish.
There should be no apostrophe in Minors Canal.
Uncertain whether "little dismal swamp" is meant as a place name or is merely a denigration of the swamp.
There is a Little Dismal Swamp in NC, but can't find one in Florida.
Location partly faded out but I think it's Slidell.
Collector's name partially missing.
It's not Pike City but Pike County. Also, spelling is Quin, not Quinn.
Very blurry label. I'm guessing at the scientific name.
Very blurry, can't read scientific name.
Corrected spelling to Dallas, Texas
Corrected spelling to Solidago sempervirens
Correct species name appears to be Saururus cernuus; I have corrected the spelling.
Can't read collector's last name - looks like Tanspwbyd but that can't be right.
The closest I could find to "River Clev Subdivision" is "River Club Subdivision"; transcribing River Club.
Orange Grove, not Groove.
tradescantia bracteata
Apparently location is La Branche, not La Brancle
Colorado - Pitkin Co.
Name #misspelled, S/B Hannagan
Trinidad & Tobago
Hrabuvka seems pretty likely. Can't read the first part of that line at all.
Being familiar with CHK's way of writing dates, I'm pretty sure this is Aug 1917.
We only have the date specimen was received, but I think it's a fair deduction that it was collected some time in 1919.
Sorry, my Italian isn't up to this.
And I also believe date is 1 Aug, not 8 Jan, and am transcribing it that way. Canadians write their dates dd-mm-yy.
I do believe this is Victoria Beach, not Victoria Bend.
I think this is supposed to be St. Martinville.
Bottom label says Maryland, so I am transcribing that rather than DC.
This is not Germany but Italy.
This is probably Pakistan, but there are Kalams in several other countries as well.
Dates do not match but I think Jan 16 is the more reliable one.
This handwriting defeats me. Imsel Korpula?
I believe this is Lost Man Campground near Aspen CO.
Also they #misspelled Tsuga.
Okay, I'm going with Morocco.
Whitmore, not Whitemore
Also they misspelled Prairie.
This park is in Orick -- Humboldt County - not LA.
Apparently the true name is "Forty and One-half Mile Creek"...
Name #misspelled, S/B Quinault.
Name is now spelled Wickliffe.
Name #misspelled, S/B Cacapon.
Secondary labels suggest Colorado but original label clearly says Calif.
Cades Cove, not Cave.
NY has question mark but I transcribed it anyway.
Big Lagoon, not Bog Lagoon.
NOT collected near Asheville. It was in Magnetawan.
Name #misspelled, S/B Hannagan Meadows.
I am Count Dracula from Transylvania County, North Carolina...
Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington.
This the Santa Fe NM ski basin.
Can't find Three Hills or Three Hills Harbor as a place in NY. But transcribing as written.
This might be from 1866; if so, the earliest one I've seen yet.
Date given is date checked, not date collected. Not transcribing it.
Name #misspelled, S/B LaBodie Lake (or maybe LaBadie)
Name #misspelled, S/B Uaxactun, not Uaxactum.
Southern California or Southern Canada? It's a mystery!
I am marking country, state, county as unknown but entering both locs in Locality field.
Name S/B one word -- Bracebridge.
Received Dec. 1920, could have been collected earlier in the year; leaving month as Not Shown.
I can't find a Camden in Wisconsin. There's one in Delaware.
It seems at least possible that this specimen is from Micronesia.
7th Lake is in Essex Co. not Franklin; transcribing Essex.
Host name #misspelled, S/B lasiocarpa.
Last digit of year missing, but is in the 1940's.
Year a little unclear, but looks like it was changed from 1972 to 1971.
No, Jemez Mountains.
Name #misspelled, S/B Wapinitia Summit (or Pass). Wasco Co.
The name is actually Tower Fall, not Tower Falls.
The only South Slocan I found is in BC, so I'm going wih that.
Still looks like 1924 to me.
I am transcribing year as 1957.
Charles Barrow -- probably N.M.
Host name #misspelled, S/B Prunus serotina.
Location is too blotched to read.
Name #misspelled, S/B Munising.
New Mexico, Sangre de Cristos
Name is Prairie Creek, not Prarie Creek.
Name #misspelled, S/B Cadiz.
Name #misspelled, S/B Parfrey's Glen.
Several collections. Details transcribed in Locality field.
New Mexico
This is Ahmic Lake.
Larix, not Sarix!
I'm going with Washington DC too.
Top label says 1920 but collector's label says 1925, transcribing 1925.
Year is unclear, but I think 1902 is most likely.
Patrick's Point State Park in Calif.
Name #misspelled, S/B Newnans Lake.
Name #misspelled, S/B Woods Hole with no apostrophe.
Label says Pittsburg tws. but I can only find a town of Pittsburg in NH, so am transcribing that.
Name #misspelled, S/B Whidbey.
I can't find any Plainsville in NY. There's one in PA. Transcribing state as NY and county as Unknown, but I think it's probably really PA.
Label says San Francisco, but Muir Woods is not in SF so I am not transcribing it.
Entering all location info as Unknown.
Name #misspelled, S/B Pend Oreille Nat Forest.
Writing is crossed out so I am not transcribing it.
#Handwriting - Can't read place name - Moreton? Moutor?
Name #misspelled, S/B La Cebada.
Name #misspelled, S/B Glasgow.
Highly unlikely that I spelled the place names correctly, but I gave it my best shot.
Pellston HIlls is in Emmet Co., UMBS is in Cheboygan, label says Cheboygan; transcribing Cheboygan.
Also, collector's label indicates earliest year is 1909, not 1910.
Collector's label indicates this is British Guiana (now Guyana); not British Guinea (now Papua New Guinea).
I also am entering year as not shown (1874).
I think this says 1969, but it could be 1964.
Name #misspelled, S/B Petawawa.
Unsure whether year is 1934 or 1939.
Name #misspelled, S/B Mandeville Canyon.
I agree with maggiej. There is no Tallahassee Co.
Looks like Boos Island... but I can't find Boos Island anywhere.
Although it looks like "Ski Creek", Google reveals that it's actually Star Creek.
Location & date have ?'s but am transcribing them anyway.
This says Pellston Hill (Emmet Co.) but also UMBS which is in Cheboygan. Label says Cheboygan, transcribing Cheboygan; but confused.
Lea Lake, not Lea Lakes.
I'm guessing this is really Miller, not Millers. Since there is no "Millers" in Indiana.
Not sure of year, but I think 1937 is the most likely so am transcribing that.
Not sure whether KAH is saying the specimen is 'ridged' or 'rigid' - he misspelled it. So just transcribed as written.
Name #misspelled, S/B Wapinitia.
This is Michigan, not North Carolina.
Year not specified, but some time in the 1930's.
Top label says Va., but Cabin John in is Md.; transcribing Md.
Date is given as 10/1078, I am transcribing as Oct, day Unknown, 1978
Compare date and coll# of image ANN0004b41. That has a much later coll# and much earlier date than this label.
Refer to image ANN0004ewf and comments about date and collection #.
Here's a Glen Montz collection numbered 2211 and date is 4-1-1972.
I think by the 1980's he was up to the 4000's.
I'm almost positive I've seen Montz collections in the 1970's with collection numbers over 2000.
I feel there's a discrepancy between coll# (1513) and date (June 1, 1983).
Corrected spelling of 'halepense'
I think Sida elliottii is the newer id
Corrected spelling of 'Tradescantia virginiana'
Corrected 'Eupatoria' to 'Eupatorium'
Corrected spelling of 'Panicum verrucosum'
Corrected typo in 'Atchafalaya'
Corrected spelling of 'Pontchartrain'
Corrected spelling of 'halepense'
Corrected typo in 'conspicuous'
Both scientific and common name obscured
I'm assuming this is in Louisiana
Corrected spelling of Tangipahoa
I am uncertain whether day is 2, 21 or 26; so am entering it as Unknown
Corrected typo in Sambucus canadensis
I agree that Rome Ferry (bridge) seems the most likely location and am therefore placing this in Livingston Parish
I'm pretty sure there was no Feb 29 in 1969, but am transcribing as written
Note: "KNF" is the Kisatchie National Forest
Corrected spelling of Sida elliottii
Corrected spelling of Bennett Spring State Park. Park is in 2 counties so entered county as Unknown.
Corrected typo "Sumatrz'" to "Sumatra"
I was able to correct for it. "1.0 ,o;e mprtj" translates to "1.0 mile north".
Typist's right hand got offset at beginning of Location line.
Corrected spelling of halepenese
Label faded, can't read scientific name
Corrected spelling of 'cemetery'
It looks like GNM may have identified the species, but the writing is too faint to read.
Can't read last word after Helianthus, so am leaving it out.
Corrected spelling of Zemurray Gardens
I think Tragia smallii must be a later determination because it's handwritten, and am transcribing it.
Although not stated, this is no doubt on or near Southeastern Louisiana University campus
Scientific name hard to read, but I think it's Solidago colorata
Corrected spelling of Zemurray
Corrected spelling of halepense.
Corrected spelling of Zemurray Lodge
Corrected spelling of halepense
There's a Satsuma in Livingston Parish, I'm assuming this is it.
Corrected 'sterlie' to 'sterile'
The common name of this one is "Obedient plant" 😃
Corrected spelling of La Branche
Collector is "MCG" -- might be Melanie Goodman
State & county not given. Could be VA, but there's a Frederick Community College in MD too. Entering as Unknown.
Setaria magna is correct... not 'Sertia'
I googled it and came up with Phalaris angusta also, common name timothy canarygrass
Corrected spelling of Vaccinium elliottii
I couldn't resist transcribing this into the description: "I.D. J.G. Palis: master tree finder"
Corrected spelling of Percy Quin State Park
Not very sure of the collector's name. Looks like Sahas Tansawasu.
Glen Montz's first collection! Kind of exciting.
Collector's name misspelled, correcting 'Laurie' to 'Lauri'
It says "1/4 inch white glower" but I'm reasonably sure "1/4 inch white flower" was meant and am so transcribing it.
Corrected placement of comma
Another Sept 31 date! I think this is my third one in this collection. Dutifully transcribed as written.
Fixed typo in "unnamed"
County is St. John
Corrected spelling of 'depleted'
Very uncertain about 2nd associate - roseau? & 4th associate - rhizomes indioak perennial?
Corrected spelling of Cyperus strigosus.
Corrected spelling of Tangipahoa
'nigra' handwritten above typed 'canadensis' so I think nigra is a more recent id and am transcribing it
Corrected spelling of Tangipahoa
I believe scientific name is Malvaviscus arboreus - handwriting faint and hard to read.
This specimen is a hybrid or backcross, hence has 2 species names
Corrected location to Camp Living Waters
Corrected location name to Camp Living Waters
There are 2 LA Bankston Cemeteries, 1 in Albany and 1 in Holden, both in Livingston Parish.
Entering state as Nebraska, county Unknown, and date collected as Aug 21, 1970
Corrected spelling of ludwigia octovalvis
Very faint label, guessing at location - Lake Pontchartrain? Date probably 1996 but mo/da uncertain
Location is no doubt the Southeastern Louisiana University campus
Corrected spelliing of halepense
Corrected spelling of Tad Zebryk's name
Corrected spelling of halepense
@HelenBennet57, another deer browse rating, 2.9 this time. Wonder if that's better or worse than 3.5?
Corrected scientific name to Nothoscordum bivalve
Corrected spelling of Desmanthus illinoensis
For me, the prefix '62' of the specimen # absolutely places it in 1962.
Corrected spelling of Sherardia arvensis
Location not given but must be in Louisiana.
Corrected spelling of halepense
Corrected spelling of Lake Pontchartrain
Corrected spelling of Salix nigra
Corrected spelling of halepense
Corrected spelling of Scutellaria racemosa
Corrected spelling of Eregeron philadelphicus
State not given, probably MS but could also be KY.
Also spelling of Tangipahoa
Corrected spelling of Quercus nuttallii
Corrected spelling of Sorghum halepense
Correcting species to Allium canadense
Location incomplete and almost illegible
Corrected spelling of Bayou des Allemands
Corrected spelling of "dandelion"
Date illegible
These labels should not have been left out in the sun. Much of this is too faded to read.
"Collected from the Bonnie Carrie spillway". That's so cute! I do feel I should correct the spelling to Bonnet Carre Spillway though.
Very light label, barely legible
Collector designated as "New Sarpy, La." :>) But I know it's Glenn Montz, I recognize his writing, so I'm putting him in.
Very faint and blurry, can't read scientific name.
Corrected spelling of "herbicide"
Pretty sure this was collected at end of "trail" -- not end of "trial"
Sept 31 is an invalid date but can be entered, so I'm entering it.
Corrected typo "bluis-purple" to "bluish-purple"
Description appears to say "nedale like", probably means needle-like, but transcribed as written.
Correcting "Ampleposis" to "Ampelopsis"
Transcribing as written "¼ north"
Also removed extra hyphen from 'look-alike'
Corrected spelling of 'perennial'
Can't read plant name -- Scuthistle? Southistle?
Corrected spelling of Kieffer Prairie
Corrected spelling of St. Tammany Parish
Added missing 'e' at end of Hydrocotyle
Found with "dear pee", changing to "deer pea" which seems altogether more likely
Genus hard to read, but Google indicates it is Cercis.
Corrected spelling of Sorghum halepense
Corrected spelling of Sorghum halepense
Corrected spelling of Sorghum halepense
I am also transcribing Hexastylis arifolia
location completely missing, also date
I think parish is St. John
Corrected spelling of Hydrocotyle
Corrected "riged" to "ridged"
Corrected spelling to Pleasant Ridge, but there's no clue as to county or state (or country)
Scientific name partially obscured but is Vicia ludoviciana.
Corrected scientific name to Sorghum halepense
I googled S. West Hagg and found citations for 1984, so I think this year is 1985, not 1935.
Scientific name is Mimulus alatus, I think. Not positive.
Corrected scientific name to Sorghum halepense
Corrected spelling of scientific name to Carex eleocharis
Corrected spelling of scientific name to Scutellaria racemosa
I think the 3rd & 4th associates are Lactuca and Phytolacca
Corrected spelling of place name to Bayou des Familles.
Also correcting Scuterllaria to Scutellaria.
Corrected scientific name to Solidago canadensis
Corrected spelling from Fraximus to Fraxinus.
Corrected spelling of place name to Ruddock
Corrected spelling of Ponchatoula.
I am enabled to enter date as Sept 31, as given on label, even though it's an invalid date!
I think I've got it. It's Ruddock (misspelled).
Can't read that last place name. Rudoche? Pucloche?
Maybe we could put something like "Unlabeled species."
Very faint, can't read location.
There's a second id, but species is crossed out on it so I'm transcribing the first one.
No location
Followed am.zooni's lead and corrected "Melothia" to "Melothria"
Corrected spelling of "cedar"
Extremely faded label
Corrected scientific name to Fraxinus pennsylvanica.
I think it's reasonable to assume the collector's name is Sarah, not Sraah.
Reference point probably SLU campus as am.zooni says, but entering county as Unknown.
However, I feel it's safe to assume the country is the US. Very likely state is LA, but I'm less sure of that.
Parish not given and scant locality info not sufficient to pinpoint this collection.
Corrected spelling of Ponchatoula.
Corrected scientific name to Liriodendron tulipifera
I too transcribed Rhododendron canescens.
Corrected spelling of Lake Pontchartrain
Corrected scientic name from "Johsonii" to "Johnsonii"
State is omitted, I assume it's LA -- Livingston Parish.
There should be no apostrophe in Minors Canal.
Uncertain whether "little dismal swamp" is meant as a place name or is merely a denigration of the swamp.
There is a Little Dismal Swamp in NC, but can't find one in Florida.
Location partly faded out but I think it's Slidell.
Collector's name partially missing.
It's not Pike City but Pike County. Also, spelling is Quin, not Quinn.
Very blurry label. I'm guessing at the scientific name.
Very blurry, can't read scientific name.
Corrected spelling to Dallas, Texas
Corrected spelling to Solidago sempervirens
Correct species name appears to be Saururus cernuus; I have corrected the spelling.
Can't read collector's last name - looks like Tanspwbyd but that can't be right.
The closest I could find to "River Clev Subdivision" is "River Club Subdivision"; transcribing River Club.
Orange Grove, not Groove.
tradescantia bracteata
Apparently location is La Branche, not La Brancle
Colorado - Pitkin Co.
Name #misspelled, S/B Hannagan
Trinidad & Tobago
Hrabuvka seems pretty likely. Can't read the first part of that line at all.
Being familiar with CHK's way of writing dates, I'm pretty sure this is Aug 1917.
We only have the date specimen was received, but I think it's a fair deduction that it was collected some time in 1919.
Sorry, my Italian isn't up to this.
And I also believe date is 1 Aug, not 8 Jan, and am transcribing it that way. Canadians write their dates dd-mm-yy.
I do believe this is Victoria Beach, not Victoria Bend.
I think this is supposed to be St. Martinville.
Bottom label says Maryland, so I am transcribing that rather than DC.
This is not Germany but Italy.
This is probably Pakistan, but there are Kalams in several other countries as well.
Dates do not match but I think Jan 16 is the more reliable one.
This handwriting defeats me. Imsel Korpula?
I believe this is Lost Man Campground near Aspen CO.
Also they #misspelled Tsuga.
Okay, I'm going with Morocco.
Whitmore, not Whitemore
Also they misspelled Prairie.
This park is in Orick -- Humboldt County - not LA.
Apparently the true name is "Forty and One-half Mile Creek"...
Name #misspelled, S/B Quinault.
Name is now spelled Wickliffe.
Name #misspelled, S/B Cacapon.
Secondary labels suggest Colorado but original label clearly says Calif.
Cades Cove, not Cave.
NY has question mark but I transcribed it anyway.
Big Lagoon, not Bog Lagoon.
NOT collected near Asheville. It was in Magnetawan.
Name #misspelled, S/B Hannagan Meadows.
I am Count Dracula from Transylvania County, North Carolina...
Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington.
This the Santa Fe NM ski basin.
Can't find Three Hills or Three Hills Harbor as a place in NY. But transcribing as written.
This might be from 1866; if so, the earliest one I've seen yet.
Date given is date checked, not date collected. Not transcribing it.
Name #misspelled, S/B LaBodie Lake (or maybe LaBadie)
Name #misspelled, S/B Uaxactun, not Uaxactum.
Southern California or Southern Canada? It's a mystery!
I am marking country, state, county as unknown but entering both locs in Locality field.
Name S/B one word -- Bracebridge.
Received Dec. 1920, could have been collected earlier in the year; leaving month as Not Shown.
I can't find a Camden in Wisconsin. There's one in Delaware.
It seems at least possible that this specimen is from Micronesia.
7th Lake is in Essex Co. not Franklin; transcribing Essex.
Host name #misspelled, S/B lasiocarpa.
Last digit of year missing, but is in the 1940's.
Year a little unclear, but looks like it was changed from 1972 to 1971.
No, Jemez Mountains.
Name #misspelled, S/B Wapinitia Summit (or Pass). Wasco Co.
The name is actually Tower Fall, not Tower Falls.
The only South Slocan I found is in BC, so I'm going wih that.
Still looks like 1924 to me.
I am transcribing year as 1957.
Charles Barrow -- probably N.M.
Host name #misspelled, S/B Prunus serotina.
Location is too blotched to read.
Name #misspelled, S/B Munising.
New Mexico, Sangre de Cristos
Name is Prairie Creek, not Prarie Creek.
Name #misspelled, S/B Cadiz.
Name #misspelled, S/B Parfrey's Glen.
Several collections. Details transcribed in Locality field.
New Mexico
New Mexico
This is Ahmic Lake.
Larix, not Sarix!
I'm going with Washington DC too.
Top label says 1920 but collector's label says 1925, transcribing 1925.
Year is unclear, but I think 1902 is most likely.
Patrick's Point State Park in Calif.
Name #misspelled, S/B Newnans Lake.
Name #misspelled, S/B Woods Hole with no apostrophe.
Label says Pittsburg tws. but I can only find a town of Pittsburg in NH, so am transcribing that.
Name #misspelled, S/B Whidbey.
I can't find any Plainsville in NY. There's one in PA. Transcribing state as NY and county as Unknown, but I think it's probably really PA.
Label says San Francisco, but Muir Woods is not in SF so I am not transcribing it.
Entering all location info as Unknown.
Name #misspelled, S/B Pend Oreille Nat Forest.
Writing is crossed out so I am not transcribing it.
#Handwriting - Can't read place name - Moreton? Moutor?
Name #misspelled, S/B La Cebada.
Name #misspelled, S/B Glasgow.
Highly unlikely that I spelled the place names correctly, but I gave it my best shot.
Pellston HIlls is in Emmet Co., UMBS is in Cheboygan, label says Cheboygan; transcribing Cheboygan.
Also, collector's label indicates earliest year is 1909, not 1910.
Collector's label indicates this is British Guiana (now Guyana); not British Guinea (now Papua New Guinea).
I also am entering year as not shown (1874).
I think this says 1969, but it could be 1964.
Name #misspelled, S/B Petawawa.
Unsure whether year is 1934 or 1939.
Name #misspelled, S/B Mandeville Canyon.
I agree with maggiej. There is no Tallahassee Co.
Looks like Boos Island... but I can't find Boos Island anywhere.
Although it looks like "Ski Creek", Google reveals that it's actually Star Creek.
Location & date have ?'s but am transcribing them anyway.
This says Pellston Hill (Emmet Co.) but also UMBS which is in Cheboygan. Label says Cheboygan, transcribing Cheboygan; but confused.
Lea Lake, not Lea Lakes.
I'm guessing this is really Miller, not Millers. Since there is no "Millers" in Indiana.
Not sure of year, but I think 1937 is the most likely so am transcribing that.
Not sure whether KAH is saying the specimen is 'ridged' or 'rigid' - he misspelled it. So just transcribed as written.
Name #misspelled, S/B Wapinitia.
This is Michigan, not North Carolina.
Year not specified, but some time in the 1930's.
Top label says Va., but Cabin John in is Md.; transcribing Md.