Notes From Nature Talk

Subject: ANN00001xi

Subject ANN00001xi Full subject data (JSON)


  • WolfWoman_2 by WolfWoman_2

    cannot access needed information with highlight box..only highlights part of the picture


  • WolfWoman_2 by WolfWoman_2

    I saved image onto my computer and magnified to get the information this method allows me to get info..but your highlight box does not work


  • spacechimp27 by spacechimp27

    i think that is a glitch #telladmin


  • Edwardl by Edwardl

    just go off the edge of the screen and the box includes it anyway is what I've found


  • Alex B by Alex B

    About the scientific name, which is the one we have to transcribe? The original one or the newly determined one, from the additional label?


  • carolely by carolely

    I found that you can drag the box over a certain amount of information. After you have gotten that information, you can open a new box


  • carolely by carolely

    Just close that box at the "X" and drag over the other part of the information you need. Hit "start record." It will have saved it.
