Notes From Nature Talk

Abbreviations - expand or copy as written?

  • HelenBennett57 by HelenBennett57

    Do we expand abbreviations (Hwy, Blvd, mi., elev etc) or transcribe them as written? I've been doing exactly as written, just starting to wonder if that is the right thing to do.


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    They have usually asked that we type them as written. They can always do database updates after the fact and create a cleansed version of the digital data, but transcribing them as-is is more likely to create matches, since many will never even ask this question and transcribe as-is. Any data translated into expanded forms of the abbreviation would not match initially, causing a record that might otherwise have 3-4 users supplying identical transcription inputs to only have 1-2.


  • HelenBennett57 by HelenBennett57

    Whew 😃 Thanks! Maybe an FAQ for this kind of thing?


  • bthiers by bthiers

    That is a good idea -- we should definitely comb through the questions and set up and FAQ
