In Ornithological should Latin Name be Capitals?
by Angel_48
I just wanted to make sure this is correct, in the original page we are working from, the Latin name is in Capitals, should we do the same or doesn't it matter?
by darryluk
I don't put it in capitals. I use a capital letter for the first part (latin names usually two names) and lower case for the second. This seems to be the standard.
by Angel_48
Thank you very much darryluk, glad your here to help. 😃
by Panasko
Sometimes there are 3 words, first capital letter, second lower, and the third is capital again...does this mean it is actualy two words name?
by CharlotteBio in response to Panasko's comment.
From way back in my past I think the family name has an initial capital, and species and sub-species are both in lower case (e.g. Sericornis humilis tregallasi). Sericornis is the family, humilis the species, and tregalasi the sub-species.