Notes From Nature Talk

Specimen number

  • SafariLiz by SafariLiz

    In a lot of the Virginia records, there is no number, so I've been skipping that field.
    Then I noticed that, usually outside the box I've made, there is a sticker with a bar code and a number, so I started putting in that number, though it made defining the box difficult in most cases.
    Then last night I had one which had its own number, hand written by the collector, but also a sticker number which was different.
    Should I stick to skipping the number field?


  • SandersClan by SandersClan

    Hi, SafariLiz! I believe the bar code number is one that is used for a purpose that is separate from any numbers listed on the card itself, so my opinion is that you should skip the field.


  • nosenabook by nosenabook in response to SafariLiz's comment.

    The blog mentioned the bar code stickers, they were added when the pages were prepared for photography. I read a lot of blog posts this morning or I'd direct you to the spot. I do not see many Virginia specimens with collector numbers, either.

    Have you seen the collector's name given as Flora Americana? Or Taxonomy Group?

    I just did a page with R K Godfrey's name on it, and you know he had it numbered as well. However, it lacks almost every other bit of information, including the date! I was shocked, I tell you, shocked. But when it is in the database with all the other entries, the date can probably be determined just by the numbers, and what came before and after.


  • SafariLiz by SafariLiz

    I just did a collector from the 1930s listed as 'Botanical foray'.
    Tx for the info about the bar code numbers. I think I only did a couple, thankfully.
