Suggestion for Bug input menu
by RennyRoo
Hi. My sister had been doing this project for a while but gave up due to getting super frustrated with how cumbersome the data entry was using the menu and all the input fields, messing with the drop down menus, scrolling through 600 countries to get to the U.S. if she didn't type United States in fast enough, having to manually move the cursor to put in the dates because they are not listed by the Roman numeral, and don't Tab after input. So I took a look at your code (hope you don't mind, I'm 19 and just a punk college kid!), the 2014-03-07_16-15-18.js file. I would fix it for you and send you the fixed copy if there was a way but there isn't. But I'm sure you guys are smart enough to know what I mean. It'd take someone 20 minutes to fix this. Really. Where you have the option value="06">06 - June - VI for the date, just put the Roman numeral in the quote marks so people can type that into the field and it'll pull that up automatically. Since this is how the labels are written, it kinda makes sense, no? Also on all the countries - you have that long, long list (I haven't even heard of some of them). You just have to cut and paste the U.S., Mexico and whichever the more common ones are and place them at the top of the list. You can take some funky one and put them where you moved the others out of to keep the spaces the same.
It seems it'd go a lot faster for everyone and reduce the hunting and pecking with these small changes and they really wouldn't take any time at all.
by reddder
RR has a good idea.
by wreness
Hi RennyRoo ..yes yes, my New Hero, I know whereof you speak. I looked myself and see what you mean, and alas, since it's a .js file it can't be copied and fixed and sent off like HTML can in a notepad file, if one wanted to be helpful. My fingers are now itching to correct all that, but I'd defer to your awesome Punk College Kidness to do the job first of course 😃 You are right, it wouldn't take even 1/2 hour to fix and slap up and solve a lot of the input drudgery. I know the resources and Uber Bug God Scientist People are as busy as Apis mellifera but hopefully one can take a look at your suggestion. You rock.
Yes, that sounds like a great usability fix and quick too!
by j-walk
In the meantime, there are ways around these headaches.
If you hit the U key, it takes you directly to "Unknown Country." By continuing to hit the U key, you scroll through every country that starts with "U." This allows you to get to "United States" in six key strikes. (Or, if in an even bigger hurry, you can type "Uni" and then the U key two more times. This gets you there in five key strikes.)
As for the dates, when faced with Roman numerals for the month, translate them into 01, 02, 03, etc, and type that instead. Of course, the tab key will then move you over to type the day, and then the year.
I have never posted here, just been quietly plugging away at various tasks around The Zoo but would like to make a comment about this - while I appreciate the tips on how to get around "the headaches" as to the input menu, and have found shortcuts of my own, the truth is that the Bug collection (which is what this topic addressed above...kudos to Rene!) has been active for almost ONE YEAR and all this time, since the Get-Go people have been complaining and asking for very simple changes because this is a cumbersome, huge, hassle of a headache. With all due respect it should not take a year for what really is 15 minutes' worth of some text editing to remedy ALL this ridiculous menu stuff as far as the Bug data input. In reading this particular discussion I see that it has been a week and not one person of Authority has stuck their head in, nor do they seem to be too active here. It is not as if this has to be a social club but I see there are many, many thousands more to go so, after almost a year, why won't someone 'in charge' at least interface for an hour or so and fix the ease of things, finally? I know budgets are tight but even I can see who easily the code can be altered to make it SO much easier here, and I'm just a weekend Xbox Warrior. Thank you for all I'm learning here, and hello to my fellow Zoo mates!
by reddder
K_G: I salute you. You have politely and succinctly expressed several issues that have always annoyed me. You hit the nail on the head when you brought up the issue of 'absentee landlordism'. I've brought a few things up in the hope that it would provoke a response from the GREAT OZ, but I succeeded in only one instance to 'see' behind the curtain. As I've said b4, no one who's a ZOO KEEPER is afraid of work; neither do we wish to waste time. Your missive has encouraged me to do an 'OLIVER' and ask for 'more, sir' in order to get the job done w/gr8er speed and accuracy. OZ--ru listening?