Ornithological collection : Blocked at 3,684 / 3,720
by Clairetoile
We cannot finished the Ornithological collection : There is still 36 transcriptions neeeded but when i click on the button "start transcribing", i go back to the homepage. A cause of the bug could be the rounded percentage : 100 %
I will second this post! Clicking either of the "Transcribe" links takes the user back to the Notes from Nature home page.
by wreness
Ok, I'm Thirding it. I'm wondering if there are that many "glitched" records or something...I myself got punted offline (thank you AT&T) while almost done transcribing a Page From Hell so it wasn't officially "done"..is this considered somehow out of the count, tho? Wonder how much this type of stuff went on. Considering how time consuming all this was, how much effort this took AND that the project might be done it'd be nice if someone stuck their head in and waved, acknowledged this, said "hey thanks guys" or "not so fast, you have 30 to go yet". Either way, this was a cool project, I hope there's more 😃
by Clairetoile
We must be at something like 99.96 %. The number is rounded at 100% and the collection is considered complete...