Notes From Nature Talk

Number of Transcription in Ornithology

  • darryluk by darryluk

    I have done quite a few now, but it still says I have done 7! I'll keep going, but hope this work is all going somewhere?


  • El_Lion by El_Lion

    Probably it is and they have the same issue we had with the herbarium and bug collection first where the counting didn't work. Eventually, that problem got solved. But I wish they would have released the ornithology program AFTER a heavy betatesting.
    I'm a very good betatester because a betatester is supposed to crash and sabotage the program in any way possible. Want something foolproof? Ask me! I'll make you make it. 😄 😄


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    Just wondering. When you said you have done quite a few, did you mean you have finished quite a few ledger pages but seeing a smaller count? So far my count appears to be correct (one count per ledger page completed). I had initially though that they might make the count reflect the number of ledger rows transcribed, but I think it is number of ledger pages transcribed.


  • darryluk by darryluk

    No, I haven't done 7 complete ledger pages, for various reasons of my own stupidity, but I have done way more than 7 entries, probably a 100 or so.


  • CTidwell3 by CTidwell3

    I feel the same with some of my accidental finish clicks before they fixed that. 😃

    I've only done one complete ledger sofar (waiting for line fixes). That one had 20 or so rows where I added a line and entered data for each. The count went up by one after submitting that one, which is why I am thinking they are counting how many ledger pages we have submitted, not how many entries on each page we have done.


  • darryluk by darryluk

    Nope, have completed some more whole ledger pages and no change in number shown.
