Notes From Nature Talk

Same Specimen!

  • Skyletron by Skyletron

    Hello! I'm trying to transcribe within the Herbarium, but I every time I complete a specimen, I am then given that same specimen again! I've transcribed the same one three times now, and I'd like to move on!

    First, I drag the box around the label, then click on it to begin transcribing. (I usually have to do this at least twice before the program zooms me in to the correct area.) Then I run through the 9 fields, clicking "ok" after each is completed. When I enter the date (field 9/9) I click ok, and it acts as though it's bringing up the next specimen, however it's always the same one! If I try to click "complete specimen" it tells me I still have one empty field (date, which I haven't clicked "ok" for), but as soon as I click "ok" for the date, it brings me the same specimen again and I have to do it all over from the beginning!



  • xairbusdriver by xairbusdriver

    The only way I can get out of this endless loop is to use the "Skip this Specimen" button.


  • gregkaleka by gregkaleka

    I'm having the same issue.


  • Skyletron by Skyletron

    Is this an issue with Firefox?


  • Jwb52z by Jwb52z

    I use IE, so it can't just be an issue with Firefox.


  • amogorkon by amogorkon

    Having the same issue with Opera. Additionally after I entered 7 records, my count was reset to 0.


  • Otti by Otti

    IE 10, Windows 7 - keep getting R.K.Godfrey and the very same specimen of Sedum Integrifolium . Also getting selection boxes coming up that are too small to read and transcribe at the same time because they only appear as a small part of the image that comes up. Some images simply don't appear in the first place. Tried my iPad but don't know how to position the selection box on that.


  • arfon by arfon in response to A.Sky's comment.

    Hi there, this issue should now be fixed. We had some duplicate images in the system that we've now removed.

