Notes From Nature Challenge!
by md68135 scientist
Hi Everyone,
We have a challenge going on starting today. You can see the details here: wanted to take a moment to say Hello to anyone helping out today both new and returning. Thanks for all your efforts!
by am.zooni
Probably it was the Zooniverse email rather than the blog post, but something worked. Five other people online at the same time as me is a first. And lots of usernames that I haven't seen before.
Just hoping that the new interface will be as easy to use as this one (but without the occasional bugs). A bit skeptical, as I find the Talk interface at Zooniverse (presumably the latest version is in use there) more difficult to read and to use, but hoping for the best.
by md68135 scientist
@am.zooni -- The Zooniverse email goes out to the entire Zooniverse community and has a wide reach (I forget just how many people). It also gets posted to Facebook and Twitter. I reposted to our NFN pages, but I agree that the Zooniverse e-mail (and perhaps their Twitter account) might have done the trick. It is great to see so many new folks here.
There were 193 users on the 14th and 122 on the 15th! We were closer to 30 on the days prior.
I have the same hopes for the new interface. We will also get some much needed bugs fixed (e.g., double image issue). The new Talk is much more customizable, so it will in theory be much easier for me personally to make changes. It will be great to get your feedback when the time comes : )
by am.zooni
LOL. I'm sure you already know that I'm not likely to stay silent if I have complaints or comments about the interface 😃