Notes From Nature Talk

did anyone try Orchid Observers and get it to work?

  • am.zooni by am.zooni

    I got email today from Zooniverse asking for people to help complete the work on Orchid Observers. I though I'd give it a try. But even through they have a little 'tutorial' to start you off, I could not get anything to happen. The instructions say to draw a rectangle around the specified label. I do that, but there is no 'next' or 'finish' or other indication of what to do. After 10 minutes of trying things and looking fruitlessly for a FAQ or more instructions, I gave up in frustration.

    Another thing: there were 5 other people signed in when I arrived. I've never seen more than 2 others signed in when I'm here at NfN (except during the WeDigBio blitz weekend), which says to me that my time is needed here more than there.


  • md68135 by md68135 scientist

    We are certainly happy to have you!


  • am.zooni by am.zooni

    Thanks! 😃
