Notes From Nature Talk

new NfN blog post about the WeDigBio transcription blitz

  • am.zooni by am.zooni

    In case you haven't seen it yet, there's a new NfN blog post about the WeDigBio transcription blitz here:

    I thought it was fun. I pushed to find time to do double my usual number of transcriptions on each of the four days. It was interesting to see the numbers from the various participating sites on the WeDigBio dashboard. Mostly, I loved logging in to NfN and seeing 4 or 5 others already here - it's uncommon to find anyone else on when I am, and rare to see more than one other person. I tried to respond to questions in image comments and discussion boards, because other volunteers (and sometimes scientists) did that for me when I first arrived here, and that helped me feel comfortable that I understood what to do, and helped me improved the quality of my transcriptions. I'm now hooked and wish I had more time! I do hope that at least a few of the new people who tried out NfN during the blitz liked it enough to stick around.
