Notes From Nature Talk


  • SandersClan by SandersClan

    Whoopee! 😃


  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    So what comes after the Oak Tree badge? Anybody have anything?


  • ghewson by ghewson in response to nosenabook's comment.

    I haven't reached 500 Herbarium transcriptions yet! I suspect there's nothing, though.


  • nosenabook by nosenabook in response to ghewson's comment.

    Bird nests and ivy?


  • SandersClan by SandersClan

    Laughing, Nose! 😃


  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    Made it to 1001 plant transcriptions.10 PM EDT May 28, 2013

    Most of the "Transcribers Life" counts are now negative. weird.


  • SandersClan by SandersClan

    Oh, Nose, I feel so inadequate. sigh I won't say how few I've done in comparison! 😛


  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    I only wanted to pause a minute and brag on that round number, not make anybody feel bad. No doubt you have more calls on your time than I do!

    Plus, I wonder if I pass too easily over the confusing questions.Every now and then I decide to get to the bottom of something but not as often as everyone else. AND I learned cursive handwriting in Southwestern Virginia, the same place most of the handwritten cards come from. It is unquestionably a boon.

    Which reminds me: will these cards need specialists in future because nobody is taught cursive handwriting? It's definitely time to get them in a database.


  • SandersClan by SandersClan

    Oh, goodness, I think you're doing great! I doubt you're passing over things all that easily-I see you on the 'recent' page and the discussion boards as often as everyone else, for sure.

    I hear you about cursive handwriting. I also always wonder if it's becoming obsolete, just like the appreciation for correct spelling. I think learning what we think of as the basics is a dying thing. On the other hand, those of us who remember these antiquated arts may become a valuable commodity. Heyyyyyyy, maybe we should start charging for our transcribing talents! Kidding, kidding. 😛


  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    Oh, I agree we should charge, you will not hear me say we don't need no stinkin' badges! 😄
    And if specialists are needed, we have proof we can do the work.

    I think the value of these transcriptions is high, so no entity could afford to have it done in the time this is getting completed.


  • SandersClan by SandersClan

    I fully agree, Nose. It's funny you should bring up specialists; I've been thinking the same thing. Someone's going to need to look through the transcriptions to weed out (or 'take the weeds out of'?) any mistakes. "Oh, moderatorssssss...."


  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    Ah! Apparently we start over!


  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    I know what it is! I do not know enough to search around for more information. I can read it or I can't, so I don't get sidetracked more than three or four times a day.


  • xairbusdriver by xairbusdriver

    Someone's going to need to look through the transcriptions to weed out
    (or 'take the weeds out of'?) any mistakes.

    I thought most of the specimens ARE weeds! But you know how men are about flowers! If it blooms, it's a flower, unless if it's in my yard, then, it's a weed! LOL!


  • SandersClan by SandersClan in response to xairbusdriver's comment.

    Oh, how funny! That could have been my husband talking. My daughter is now quite proficient at using the dandelion puller, and has learned to only blow those 'flowers' at the park. I think her dad might have told her the wishes don't come true if she blows dandelions in his yard!


  • by

    So how do I see how many plant transcriptions I've done? I know it's rather few, but each time I log in, the count starts again from zero.


  • klaatu by klaatu in response to nosenabook's comment.

    @ nosenabook
    That your contribution reached to such an impressive tally: obviously [to me] you are not doing it for a badge.

    Sometimes the Peer Group need to step in where the adequacy of formal structures ...falls short of what is required by the realities on the ground.

    I would submit it for consideration among the Electors of the Order of Oak Badge: that they who shall have contributed a total of 2,000 completed records, merit the Sequoia Badge.

    { ***2000 being a close and achievable enough level approximating one eighth of available records. with 1/8 preferred as base-2 reproductive math thingy, as opposed to base-10: elegant, but anthropocentric finger counting, yada+E2.}

    Please nominate a majestic tree to represent 1000 records.

    @ nosenabook , I recognize that you have well earned the Baobab Badge.




  • darryluk by darryluk

    I long since forgot about badges! I'm reaching 7000 today! (blush)


  • HelenBennett57 by HelenBennett57

    Just reached 500... please can I have a stinking badge? 😃
