Notes From Nature Talk
Does the writing that looks like College ly. somehow denote the location? Help much appreciated. #handwriting #unclearabbreviation
I'm putting this out here on the off chance that someone can read the collector's name. #handwriting
Could anyone help out with what Emdg. means in this case? #unclearabbreviation
Ah, that could very well be it. Thank you.
I'm guessing IA is Iowa. Can anyone help with what the precise location could be and whether any of that is the collector? #unclearlocation
Does the writing that looks like College ly. somehow denote the location? Help much appreciated. #handwriting #unclearabbreviation
I'm putting this out here on the off chance that someone can read the collector's name. #handwriting
Could anyone help out with what Emdg. means in this case? #unclearabbreviation
Ah, that could very well be it. Thank you.
I'm guessing IA is Iowa. Can anyone help with what the precise location could be and whether any of that is the collector? #unclearlocation