Subject: ANN0003p0w
#marquee too small for all the labels.
by Pop_science
I normally only use the bottom label. They have all the info needed. I get the impression that the other labels were added later.
by tmeconverse
The database managers say to use the latest scientific name only, which is usually on the top label. I try to at least look at them all.
by Adriana2014
I fill w original label info except date. Close window (click on X) select another label, choose field (say 3/9), add new info, repeat.
by Adriana2014
I like to transcribe all names because....who knows who's correct? I put original name and then '[later det. as ........]'
by Mr._Kevvy
re: "The database managers say to use the latest scientific name only" Where is this? I really wish there was a FAQ of directions.
by Mr._Kevvy
@Adriana2014: Very close to what I do, except I leave out the "later" :^) I list them all after the original det. in square brackets
by tmeconverse
The data base manager comment was in response to a comment some weeks ago. I, too, fervently wish they would codify these things.
by Austinmast
I agree about codifying this. I'll put in a request to the developer to specify this in the directions.
I've had a problem with the marquee being too small even for a single label. Would be great if it were re-sizable, or you could pan around.