Notes From Nature Talk

Subject: ANN0000joy

Subject ANN0000joy Full subject data (JSON)


  • Zeinebou by Zeinebou

    Much of this label is illegible.


  • tmeconverse by tmeconverse

    Eriogonum alleni. Millboro, VA Bath Co Shale Barrens The labels from the 1930 from UVA are hard to read, but you'll get used to them.


  • darryluk by darryluk

    Just in case, it's S J Carr, September 11th 1935 and specimen number 255


  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    When you can't read them, you pass, and soon you will be reading them with the best of us. I get L. G. Carr for collector.


  • darryluk by darryluk

    Yep I agree, L G Carr, there is an S J Carr, but I'm not sure he would have been old enough on this occasion!
