Notes From Nature Talk

Michel Lelong

  • Rose_Queen by Rose_Queen

    Is 90% of what needs transcribing by this man? Seems like just about all I get are his records - he must have been in the field his entire career, with neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night staying him from the swift completion of his rounds...


  • darryluk by darryluk

    I get the same feeling! Unfortunately if it's on there we should transcribe it. He is someone who gives all the info he can. Just be grateful others were not so conscientious! 😃


  • riskingraisin by riskingraisin

    When the project first started the vast majority of records I got were from a collector at a Florida university. Funny that I can't remember his name, after typing it so many times..


  • Rose_Queen by Rose_Queen

    Oh, I'm grateful, Darryl, believe me! I was just beginning to wonder if there were any other botanists out there filling out records...


  • shsentoff by shsentoff

    The Florida botanist you're thinking of is R. K. Godfrey.
