Notes From Nature Talk

Some transcribing rules and FAQs would be handy

  • Rose_Queen by Rose_Queen

    I just started transcribing and I've had questions about every single record I've completed, questions I think could have been addressed by a comprehensive set of rules and maybe some FAQs, which I'm not finding here. I transcribe menus in the New York Public Library's collection, too, and they have a quite comprehensive set of instructions (see them here: I like plants, which is why I picked with zooniverse project, but I am not a botanist, nor am I familiar with all the conventions of plant naming. Something like what the NYPL has done might bridge a gap for transcribers in the same boat.

    Or is there such a thing here and I just can't find it?


  • darryluk by darryluk

    Over each input box there is an 'example' click, which gives you all the general answers as to how or what things are required. Anything else just click on the 'discuss' button while you are in the particular record and ask. We mostly have problems with deciphering handwriting, the rest is mostly constant. Each record is transcribed about 4 times to ensure a consensus and ensure accuracy. I also take the route that if it's on the card, and it's not something we don't need, then get it on the transcription. The 'other details' box is good for that.Welcome Rose! (p.s I'm heading towards 6000 records now, I jump between Bugs, Plants and Birds, it keeps me out of mischief!)


  • Rose_Queen by Rose_Queen

    Well, bugs, plants and birds are all of a piece, eh? 😉 Thanks, Darryl!
