Notes From Nature Talk

n' notation

  • SarahtheEntwife by SarahtheEntwife

    In the location fields for entries 329-331 there's something like n' in between other location words. I don't think it's an abbreviation for "north", since this ledger otherwise has uppercase letters for cardinal directions. Anyone know what's going on here?


  • darryluk by darryluk

    I believe it's nr. meaning near.


  • SarahtheEntwife by SarahtheEntwife

    Ohh, that makes so much sense! Should I write it as n' or similar, or write out "near"?


  • darryluk by darryluk

    It's actually nr , I would type near, but nr would do.


  • SarahtheEntwife by SarahtheEntwife

    Got it; thanks again!
