Notes From Nature Talk

lat and long

  • VaNella by VaNella

    I don't have the little degree circle on my keyboard. Is it ok to say 10 deg 26 ' N? Or is there a trick to make the degree mark?


  • darryluk by darryluk

    deg is fine. There are alternative keyboard layouts available, but is it worth it as long as what you put makes sense?


  • Pict by Pict

    Here, copy and paste: °


  • nosenabook by nosenabook

    you can copy and paste it from your word processor, too. I've been typing out the whole line and pasting the whole thing.
    saying deg never occurred to me. Simple and effective, and clear.


  • VaNella by VaNella

    Thanks everyone


  • xairbusdriver by xairbusdriver

    Try shift-option-8 or shift-alt-8. That is, assuming you have a US language keyboard. If another language, change "8" to whatever key has the asterisk "*".


  • gc9 by gc9

    MS Windows' Start / Programs / Accessories / Character Map
    tells me that Alt+0176 might work, but I think that requires a numeric keypad.
