Notes From Nature Talk

Missing Info

  • StringTheoryDMT by StringTheoryDMT

    Do you want us to use Internet to fill in missing info for county/province and City which is not shown on the label.

    For example I had a label (which I would like to correct) for Lake Wilcox in Ontario. Province and town were missing but easily identified via internet sources.

    If "yes" is there a special annotation method you would like used to identify the secondary source.


  • StringTheoryDMT by StringTheoryDMT

    Also Missing Info that is on one label but not on another.

    Your directions say use the label with the most complete info. Wouldn't it be better to combine the info of all the available labels to get the most complete data set possible.

    I tried to do this by drawing a capture box around both labels but your current enlarge function makes it impossible to read the resulting selected area (see my other comments on this matter).

