Notes From Nature Talk

hand writing on printed label

  • kasiati by kasiati

    What should I do when additional information appears hand-written on the label? What if the information (e.g. herb name) is slightly different from the one on the label? And what if I have troubles "understanding" the hand-writing?


  • darryluk by darryluk

    Starting back to front, if you have trouble understanding anything written, 'skip' it and carry on. Each record is transcribed at least 3 times, so accuracy should not be a problem. The handwritten bit is a variety of the plant, added later, so can be added to your transcription. The variety is pulcherrima. After a few you get used to guessing the bulk of a word and then googling it. Hope that helps.


  • kasiati by kasiati

    Thank you. I google everything;) I'll try to google handwriting styles as well:) Recently I was "visiting" south part of France to search for a plant;)
