Label is not in english
by jagamroz
What should I do?
The plant was collected in Austria. Although my German is not very strong I'm able to fill in the fields with the information it provides. BUT I don't want to translate the location and habitat description. Should I write it in German or omit the field?Posted
by okopho
I think you're right not to attempt translation. The main job we're being asked to do is transcription, not interpretation. If in doubt, I would say just copy exactly what is there - you can't really go wrong if you stick to that basic principle.
by asallans scientist
Yes, the goal here is transcription, so definitely copy verbatim. Thanks for asking and being concerned about this!
by majortim
Just in case you wonder what's written there: Steiermark, (=Austrian state of Styria) (district of) Weiz: Edge of forest on the Teichlape (Alpe = seasonal mountain pasture) at ca. 1,400m
So if you can translate what's written there, you could put that here on the board?