You know you're addicted to Citizen Science when...
by SandersClan
...the poor pretty, greenish butterfly that just smashed into your windshield brings to mind questions like, 'What's the scientific name of that bug?', and you think about writing down the date and your exact location (including longitude and latitude, thanks) at the time of the unfortunate moth's demise.
I have to confess, I almost pulled to the side of the road to examine the little guy more closely. Almost.
by VaNella
That is pretty funny.
by SandersClan
Thank you, thank you, don't forget to tip your waitress, and folks, trust me, DON'T order the fish!
by Kesanborn
Always pull over and never feel like a freak. I have a stuffed pheasant on my wall because I stopped for someone else's fresh road kill. Although the taxidermist did tell me it was so fresh that I should eat it. Just saying'.......
by SandersClan
I am laughing so hard right now that my husband and kiddos just looked at me funny.
by nosenabook
I'm thinking of starting a plant collection...
by SandersClan
I know where you can find a million or so. And yes, I kept a straight face while typing that.
by joanball scientist
This is great! Exactly what we hope will happen!! You know, there are even websites where you can report observations of plants and animals.... like this one....
by SandersClan
Totally bookmarked it. Thanks!
by nosenabook
Well that was a time sink. Now I have an account, just so I could figure out how it worked. I reported observing a robin in my yard today. The photos are beautiful.